Solveig Thu

Monday, November 22, 2004


This has been a wonderful blessed weekend. I am so exited, inspired and thankful to God for everything I have experienced in these last two days. From early yesterday morning when I went out of bed and looked through the window I had a reason to praise God. From our living room, the view I saw was so fantastic, like the pictures we see on Christmas cards. Only God can clothe the nature so beautiful. I was out on the veranda and picked fresh, green parsley from under the snow. I had a lot of housework to do yesterday, washing and ironing, baking a cake and prepared the dinner for Sunday. But I had CDs to play worship songs and I joined in praise and worship myself. I felt the presence of God, right there doing ordinary things. After finishing all my work, I had a nice evening together with my dear husband.
Today we had a wonderful day with the church. We were privileged to have visitors from the living church of God in China. Brother Yun, also called the heavenly man visited us together with a big team. Both brother Yun and sister Debora, a Chinese evangelist, involved in “back to Jerusalem” movement live now in Germany. We had a wonderful time of praise and worship and afterwards both sister Debora and brother Yun shared the good news and told us many great and moving stories from their lives about miracles and Gods care and protection. Many people went forward for prayer in the end. We had many visitors today, the hall was full, even with more chairs. Today the churches from Nord Hordaland and Osterøy joined us.
We had invited Josef and his family for dinner today and we had a great time. The children were so sweet and behaved so well, they were giving thanks for things they got and little Lars was so fine when he gave thanks for the food. Grandchildren are a blessing and we have many of them!
Tonight we went to “the Christ church” where brother Yun and his team attended the meeting. Several churches were represented this evening. The leaders in the pastoral network in town have arranged this weekend together. This night many people went forward for prayers. They wanted the flame to burn anew in their hearts, to share the good news with others. Thank you Lord for your wonderful work among us.
Text: Solveig

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

To refresh others

After arriving home from India, the days have been quite busy for me. We reached home on a Saturday afternoon and had our son’s family in Bergen for dinner the next day after Sunday service. A great day! On the Monday I emptied our suitcases and washed all the clothes, but in the evening I packed my suitcase again with other clothes. Next morning we left home before 6, the leaders in the church were together for prayer and I prepared breakfast. A few hours later Erling took me to the bus station where I went by bus to Stavanger. I had promised to come and help at David our son’s home because little Jonathan( 3 years) had to go to hospital to get his tonsils removed. His little sister, Mathilde was also ill with troat infection, so I willingly went to help and stayed there until Monday morning. The surgery went well, our grandson returned home after 2-3 days at the hospital and Mathilde recovered as well.
So yesterday I was happy to go home to meet my dear husband again. But sitting in the bus I felt very tired thinking of the 4-5 hours before I reached home, so probably try to sleep would be a good idea. But after a short distance we had to cross the sea that was rough yesterday, it was windy and rainy. The journey continued and then an old gentleman entered the bus. He used a crutch and obviously it was painful for him to walk. I had a free seat next to me and he asked if he could sit down. Of course, I helped him with his bags and fixed his seatbelt. He enjoyed to talk with me. He was on his way to his son in Bergen, but the next day he should be admitted to the hospital in town because of heart problems. He told a lot about himself. I was glad to tell him about my Lord and how he was my life and help in all circumstances. I was happy to help him onboard at the ferry, and he was grateful. We should leave the bus at the same place, where a taxi waited for him and my dear husband with a warm smile and a big hug waited me. At the end of the trip all tiredness was gone. A word from the Bible came to my mind. “those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”(proverbs 11.25) It was exactly what happened to me. I felt good and thanked God. He is so wonderful! Text: SOLVEIG